var a= ‘amit’;
var b=a;

function abc(){
console.log(‘in a1 :’,a)
var a = ‘Mohit’;
console.log(‘in a2 :’,a)
b =’sumit’


It looks like you’ve provided a JavaScript code snippet. Let’s break down what’s happening step by step:

  1. var a = 'amit';: This declares a variable a and assigns it the value 'amit'.
  2. var b = a;: This declares a variable b and assigns it the value of a, which is 'amit'.
  3. function abc() {...}: This defines a function named abc. Inside this function, there is a declaration of a variable a using the var keyword. However, since variable declarations are hoisted (moved to the top of the scope), the a inside the function is hoisted to the top of the function’s scope but is not assigned a value at this point.
  4. b = 'sumit';: This assigns the value 'sumit' to the variable b. This does not affect the variable a.
  5. abc(a);: This calls the abc function and passes the value of a as an argument. Inside the function, there is a local variable a declared and assigned the value 'Mohit'.
  6. console.log('a', a);: This logs the value of the global variable a, which is still 'amit' since the local a inside the abc function does not affect the global a.
  7. console.log('b', b);: This logs the value of the global variable b, which was assigned 'sumit' earlier.

Here’s the sequence of output you would see when you run the code:

in a1 : undefined
in a2 : Mohit
a amit
b sumit

Notice that inside the abc function, when you first try to log the value of a, it shows undefined. This is because of variable hoisting – the local variable a is hoisted to the top of the function, but its value is not assigned until later. As a result, when you log it before assigning the value 'Mohit', it shows undefined.

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