In MySQL, CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH are both functions used to retrieve information about the length of strings. However, they have slightly different purposes and behaviors:

  1. CHAR_LENGTH() Function:
  • CHAR_LENGTH() is used to count the number of characters in a string, regardless of whether the characters are single-byte or multi-byte.
  • This function is particularly useful when dealing with multibyte character sets like UTF-8, where characters can be represented using more than one byte.
  • It returns the number of characters in the string, not the number of bytes used to store the string. Example:
   SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('Hello, 世界');
   -- Output: 9 (Hello, followed by 世界)
  1. LENGTH() Function:
  • LENGTH() is used to count the number of bytes in a string.
  • It treats the string as a sequence of bytes and returns the total number of bytes used to store the string in the character set being used.
  • This function is more suitable when you need to determine the storage size of the string. Example:
   SELECT LENGTH('Hello, 世界');
   -- Output: 13 (5 bytes for Hello, and 6 bytes for 世界 in UTF-8)

In most cases, when dealing with single-byte character sets like Latin-1, CHAR_LENGTH() and LENGTH() will return the same result. However, with multibyte character sets like UTF-8, these functions will give different results because a single character might be represented using multiple bytes.

It’s important to choose the right function based on your specific use case:

  • Use CHAR_LENGTH() when you need to count the number of characters in a string, especially with multibyte character sets.
  • Use LENGTH() when you need to determine the storage size of a string in bytes.

Always consider the character set and encoding being used in your database when working with string lengths to ensure accurate results.

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