Here’s how you can calculate the factorial of a number in PHP using both iterative and recursive approaches:
Iterative Approach:
function factorialIterative($n) {
$result = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
$result *= $i;
return $result;
$number = 5; // Change this to the desired number
$factorial = factorialIterative($number);
echo "Factorial of $number is $factorial";
Recursive Approach:
function factorialRecursive($n) {
if ($n <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return $n * factorialRecursive($n - 1);
$number = 5; // Change this to the desired number
$factorial = factorialRecursive($number);
echo "Factorial of $number is $factorial";
Both approaches will give you the factorial of the specified number. The iterative approach uses a loop to calculate the factorial, while the recursive approach uses a function that calls itself to calculate the factorial. Keep in mind that the recursive approach might lead to stack overflow errors for very large numbers due to excessive function calls.